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The heart – the organ that keeps us alive by constantly circulating blood, oxygen, nutrients, immune molecules and more around the body.

Heart disease remains to be the number one cause of death in the United States, which seems unreal given the number of people that are on heart medications. Unfortunately, many of the cardiac medications have side effects and aren’t supportive of health.

I believe there are better and more effective approaches for a healthy heart and a healthy life. Let’s talk about them!


Supplements are a great way to support your heart. These are my top 3 for cardiac health.

  • Magnelevures – a very bioavailable form of magnesium that was specifically formulated in Belgium for cardiovascular support. This form of magnesium has added benefits of calming the nervous system, stopping cramping or spasms, and may help with minor constipation.
  • CoQ10 – a tried and true supplement for the heart. CoQ10 supports energy production and an antioxidant that protects the cells from damage. If you are on a STATIN like Lipitor it is imperative to take CoQ10. It is also helpful for any of the cardiac diseases or symptoms such as angina, atheroscerolsis, or hypertension. Suggested dosages are 100 – 300 mg/ day. The higher the dosage the more energy you will likely feel.
  • Nattokinase – made from natto (fermented soybeans), nattokinase is an enzyme that breaks down and prevents blood clots, promotes healthy blood pressure, slows atherosclerosis, and may lower cholesterol levels. Use caution if you are currently on blood thinners or blood pressure medications as it may thin the blood too much and drop blood pressure too low. A typical dosage is 100 mg 1-2x/day. It’s best to consult your naturopathic doctor if you are taking cardiac medications.

You may easily purchase all of these supplements in my Fullscript store.

The Heart Brain Connection

The body is such an amazing thing and there is so much we are still learning. In the last 40+ years HeartMath has been studying the relationship between the heart and the brain.

What they’ve discovered is that the heart can directly affect emotional well-being, memory, attention, perception and problem-solving. This is really cool. The way this happens is by improving the heart rate variability (HRV).

The higher the HRV, the better your body is able to handle stress and positively affect emotions, memory, etc. A low heart rate variability leads to an increased risk for many diseases and disorders.

HeartMath has a tool using Biofeedback to help balance your mind and emotions. You can also support the vagus nerve which will help improve HRV.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Singing
  • Gargling
  • Rinsing your face with cold water
  • Ending your shower with cool water
  • Laughing
  • Yoga

The heart is an amazing organ and we’re still learning about the many facets and ways of the heart. Take the time to nurture and support your heart health. This can lead to good health through the ages.

In radiant health,

Dr. Laura